Air Duct Cleaning

There are health benefits for all residents from regularly cleaning the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) System.

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems collect mold, fungi, bacteria and a variety of contaminants that reduce the quality of the air residents and visitors breathe. A dirty air duct contributes to poor indoor air quality and affects the health of people in the residence.

The purpose of residential air duct cleaning is to remove these contaminants from a home's HVAC system to get the best indoor air quality.

The most effective way to clean an air duct and/or ventilation system is to use a specialized, powerful vacuum which puts the air duct / ventilation system under negative pressure. While the vacuum draws air through the system, devices are inserted into the ducts to dislodge contaminants and debris from the interior surfaces, moving the contaminants/debris from the home's air ducts and ventilation systems into the vacuum. duct cleaning in montreal qc

Vacuum collection alone does not clean the HVAC system. Brushes, air whips, "skipper balls" and other tools that agitate contaminants and debris scrub the surfaces within the air duct system and propels contaminants and debris into the vacuum collection device(s).

When sanitizing air ducts you want to make sure the air duct cleaning company uses safe; effective EPA approved products that are safe for people, pets, and the environment. An atomizer fogs the sanitizing product throughout the entire ventilation system.

Allergic people, infants and elderly are especially sensitive to the microbes that cause respiratory problems like bacteria, mildew, fungi algae and dust mites which require a highly-effective sanitizer to eliminate odor-causing microorganisms as well contaminants associated with allergies, mildew and bacterial growth. Make sure the sanitizer is rated by the EPA as a category IV product with the lowest toxicity rating. Sanitizing air ducts means toxicity and safety safeguards that establish and ensure there are no harmful dermal (skin), ocular (eyes), inhalation (breathing) or ingestion (swallowing) effects from the products.

There are two popular types of vacuum collection systems...those mounted on trucks and trailers versus portable units. Truck/trailer mounted equipment is generally more powerful than portable equipment. By contrast, portable equipment often can be brought directly into a facility, locating the vacuum closer to the ductwork. Both types of equipment clean to air duct industry standards. Vacuum units should be attached to a collection device for safe containment prior to disposal. A vacuum collection device which exhausts indoors must be HEPA (high efficiency particulate arrestance) filtered.

Remember, we are breathing millions of germ-carrying dust and mold particles from air ducts that cause allergies, asthma--even terminal illnesses. In all homes, the air ducts gather dust, dirt, human skin flakes and pet dander, becoming holding cells for allergens, mold spores, germs and other contaminants. The problem begins even before you move into a newly-built home, with the buildup of drywall dust, sawdust and other debris in ducts that provide a perfect environment for the growth of germs and allergens. This problem worsened in the 1970's, as new construction techniques made buildings more tightly sealed, which restricts the flow of fresh air. Every day, families breathe air that is continually circulated through contaminated ductwork by your HVAC system.

The best way to determine if the HVAC system cleaning was effective is to demand a visual inspection of the system before and after cleaning. In addition, keep a copy of this article and use it as a post-cleaning check list to help you ensure a top quality job was done. If any dust or debris can be seen during the visual inspection, the system should not be considered cleaned. A certified, professional air duct cleaning contractor should be able to give you access to inspect system components; using specialized inspection tools when necessary. You can perform your own visual inspection using a flash light and mirror. air duct cleaning near montreal
The best air duct (HVAC) cleaning companies provide a 100% guarantee and won't make you pay for the air duct cleaning service until you see the proven results with a Duct-Camera. Now you can actually see the dust and allergens free air ducts after professionals clean the HVAC system. The guarantee promises that all visible loose particulate will be removed from every portion of the system. If the job is not performed to customer satisfaction, the affected portions of the system would be re-cleaned and or the job would be re-cleaned at no additional charge to the customer. These companies exceed customer expectations. The company must guarantee 100% customer satisfaction and happily go back and redo the work if required.

The best HVAC cleaning companies allow you can see otherwise inaccessible areas of the system are clean with the Duct Camera; before paying for the service. These air duct companies are courteous, certified technicians who strictly adhere to NADCA processes. You will know a thorough job was done which guarantees value for your money and safety for your home. A professional air duct cleaning company investigates and corrects all symptoms and causes of unhealthy indoor air; such as dirty ducts, mold, chimneys, unhealthy carpets, unsafe dryer vents, humidity and other problems.

Companies that perform the best work don't off incredible low $79 whole house prices and coupons. Companies that do are likely not to have the proper equipment, training or even the intention of providing real results. To make matters worse...improper air duct cleaning can cause health problems for your family..."so the cheapest price can be very expensive in the long run." If the price is too good to be true; that price is probably being offered by a predatory business owner looking for an easy mark. air duct cleaning 

You can hire an air duct cleaning company with confidence now that you know how to get your air ducts cleaned properly and enjoy these benefits:

Health According to the EPA, indoor air is found to be up to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air. Air duct cleaning removes airborne contaminates such as bacteria, fungus, mold spores, pet dander & pollen which may help to alleviate allergy & asthma symptoms.      
